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  • Writer's pictureInfinite Mindfulness

Daily Encounters

Updated: Aug 27, 2020

Sometimes, the greatest lessons are found within the smallest events.

It would be a mistake for us not to pay attention to our daily matters, as every moment in our lives can serve as a teaching moment. Changes, lessons and realisations come in many different ways, ways in which we would have never imagined. As ordinary as our lives may seem to the eye, if we pay more attention, we would see that everyday is filled with moments that flicker by. These moments are when, if we choose to open ourselves to them, we can learn to open our hearts and minds, to be more aware and understanding of ourselves and others and to reflect upon our thoughts.

Everything that arises within us are the effects of causal conditions we encounter in daily life. The emotions we feel whether it be positive or negative, the thoughts we think and the way we act all arise due to causal conditions. We react instead of respond. A reaction is driven by habits, beliefs and biases of the unconscious mind. A reaction is instant and doesn't usually take into consideration any long term effects. When we say or do something 'without thinking', it is our unconscious mind that is taking over. If we live our lives in reaction to everything, we lose control of our conscious mind and ourselves and so our lives are determined by causal conditions rather than intention.

Responding takes more awareness and intention. A response uses both the conscious and the unconscious mind. It takes into consideration the situation at hand and the long term effects on yourself and others. If we live our lives responding to everything instead of reacting, our lives would be more fulfilled and peaceful.

So the question is, are we going to live our lives being controlled by causal conditions?

Change, lessons and realisations do not only come in profound ways. These things can all be found right in front of our eyes. It is us who chooses not to see them. Most of us want to change, we want to be more aware of ourselves, we want to understand, accept and control our thoughts and emotions. We are always looking for ways to be able to create this change. We look for new teachers, events, courses and books to aid us into finding ourselves. We think that change needs something drastic and profound for us to realise a different way of living and thinking. What we don't realise is that one's own experience will always be the greatest teacher. But yet, when we receive the chance to create this change, we close our eyes and our minds to it.

It's great that we want to make these changes in our lives. The very fact that we have the awareness to want to make change is very important. Teachers, events, courses and books are all great tools for us to delve deeper into ourselves, however, we must walk the journey ourselves. There is no other way, and this journey we walk is continuously ongoing every single day. This journey towards change does not only happen when we attend an event or retreat etc, it is an everlasting journey that involves our daily encounters as well. So how can we not be prudent with our daily lives?

We should not aim above our abilities, we should not only look for far reaching events to spark change in ourselves. We should not think that only profound or life changing events can teach us how to change. We should start with ourselves on a daily level and delve into our hearts during ordinary circumstances. If we don't know how to realise and accept change in ordinary circumstances, we won't truly be able to accept change long term even after the most profound experience. Pay attention to ordinary circumstances and cultivate a heart that is aware and willing to refine itself daily, for the most important lessons we will learn might just be right in front of our eyes.

Be attentive in our daily lives, as it has been said:

“Watch your thoughts, they become your words.

Watch your words, they become your actions.

Watch your actions, they become your habits.

Watch your habits, they become your character.

Watch your character, it becomes your destiny.” - LaoTzu

I hope we can all learn to pay attention and awareness in our daily lives. I hope we can see that some of the greatest lessons we can learn will happen to us every day. The process of change is a daily journey that requires us to be attentive and open to our thoughts and emotions as causal conditions sway us. When our thoughts and emotions are no longer swayed by external and causal conditions, that is when we truly feel peace within. When we are able to detach ourselves from and be unaffected by causal conditions, we will truly be free. These causal conditions will arise daily, meaning that we need to be attentive daily to these encounters. May we all be more attentive, learn and grow from our daily encounters together.

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